"As an American, I can commit a lesser crime or some petty law violation that would land my American born behind in front of a judge, fined or even jailed! The law knows where to find my American documented ass, yet some of these arrogant illegal exeattarrestrirls do what the hell they want, know where to hide and are treated with kid gloves because they have more rights and representation than I do!"LAA and AB are officially Tea Partiers now!
"As an American, I can commit a lesser crime or some petty law violation that would land my American born behind in front of a judge, fined or even jailed! The law knows where to find my American documented ass, yet some of these arrogant illegal exeattarrestrirls do what the hell they want, know where to hide and are treated with kid gloves because they have more rights and representation than I do!"LAA and AB are officially Tea Partiers now!